Common Failures In Trailer Leaf Springs To Be Wary Of

Trailer springs are an integral part of your trailer suspension. Another way of putting it would be that you won't be able to go anywhere without these springs. But most owners, unfortunately, don't pay attention to this and eventually find themselves in a bothersome situation they cannot avoid. Don't make the same mistake as them. Here's a post which highlights some of those common leaf spring failures you have to be aware of. Follow closely! Loose U-Bolts: Truck springs also fail when the u-bolts aren't tight enough and can come loose anytime. The smart thing for you to do is stop after 500 miles and do an inspection. This is more so if you have recently installed a new spring. Putting Excessive Load On The Springs: Even though most trailers are capable of hauling an enormous amount of weight; you need to ensure that it doesn't exceed its usual trailing capacity. Rick Saltzman- who supplies trailer springs in Sydney says: ...