Trailer Tyres Maintenance Fundamentals: - What Do You Need To Do?

If you own a boat trailer and wish to take it out to the nearby lake on a nice bright sunny day; you are likely more excited about using the attached boat than the trailer or its parts. But, if you find some issues with your trailer, more particularly your trailer tyres, then immediate attention and action are needed on your part to maintain it and prevent a potential road hazard. The performance of your boat trailer relies heavily on the health and condition of its tyres! Like every crucial trailer part and accessory; its tyres also undergo wear and tear with repeated use. And when that happens, it impedes its hauling ability, especially when driving on an upward/downward sloping road or in-congenial driving conditions. To maintain it, here are some tips which you should look to follow! Tip 1:- Keep Them Properly Inflated Always! Your trailer tyres are the unsung heroes of proper towing. Hence they should never be ignored! Ill-maintained trailer tyres lead to unexpe...